Important Disclaimer: Please, be aware that "Unlocking Dentistry: Dental Staff Prep Course" has a no-refund policy. Once you purchase the course, you will not be able to receive a refund for any reason. 

Even though unforseen circumstances can arise, unfortunately, exceptions cannot be made to this policy. Significant time, effort, and resources were invested into developing and delivering the course content, and the value of the course justifies the cost. 


Dental Staff Prep Course

Dental Office Owners, This is for YOUR Dental Staff and YOU! 

  • Dentistry 101 Crash Course Video Modules and Lessons - 1 year's worth of access, online, anytime, from app or desktop

  • Each Staff will Receive a Certificate for Completion of the Course

  • Initial Onboarding Zoom Session (up to 1 hour) for Office Staff Introductions

  • Lunch N' Learn Zoom Session (up to 1 hour) for Q+A and Review of Material in the Video Course 

  • 4 of 30-min Group Zoom Sessions for Any Staff Q+As; Can be held quarterly or may also be used to help with onboarding of any newly employed staff members 

  • Feel Safe with the Dental Knowledge I'll Impart - Since it's coming from me:

    • a Dentist and Online Educator
    •  MGE (Management Experts) Power Client
    •  Dental Office Co-Owner and Previous Associate
  • Bonus* -Video of 50 Strategies to Attract New Patients and Retain Current Patients
  • Bonus**- Community Group of Dental Office Owners where discussions can be posted and Dr. T's Doctor Tips to be shared
  •  Bonus***- Get complimentary access to a video series educating about the pharmacy field and how pharmacies operate